
Bathtime Musings

Every night I take a bath and formulate my thoughts into what I like to call, “Bath Time Musings.” Here are my thoughts from today:

  • What you live in you stand on.
  • Proximity is not a necessary prerequisite to support. But distance often diminishes our involvement. 
  • Those who operate in anointing are pipe fitters for His kingdom.
  • The accolades of men most often focus on actions over source. The why should always supersede the what. 
  • The fulfillment of God’s will is most effectively demonstrated by the submission of ours. 
  • The relevancy of your voice should never be determined by an algorithm set by man. 
  • Your purpose is discovered when you embrace the chastisement of God. 

I posted on Facebook asking people for topics to explore. More were expressed than ever expected. Over the next two weeks I will engage each of them. I will send a notification to you when I respond to your recommended subject. Thank you for your participation.