
Anxiety Mountain

“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.”

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety. Something I have dealt with and been healed from, only to return its ugly head back into my life. It leaves someone with the question, “Why now? Why me? I thought I was healed? Why would you allow this to touch me again?” And the mystery that is God is revealed in those questions. One can only assume there is a lesson to be learned and a moment of understanding to take from such a terrifying disorder coming back to life. It’s not a fun way to learn something but God’s lessons are rarely “fun”, one might say.

I have not figured out where this lesson is going. Maybe, just maybe, I am not in my Bible enough. Maybe I am in over my head with activities and God is pulling me down to rebuild me in a simpler way. Maybe I am on the verge of breakthrough and the enemy is out to get me (Which is rare friends, the enemy normally has bigger fish to fry then little ol’ me in the midwest working for a church of less than 200). But one can’t help but ask the maybes. 

In a world where you are asked to do 100 million things all simultaneously anxiety is a normal part of life. But what happens when it becomes crippling? My faith tells me, this too shall pass, and I will go on to do what God has instructed me to do. He says it right there in the verse laid out above, “anxiety in the heart of man causes depression”. If left unchecked I will become a blubbering mess, useless to those around me; which is not in my instruction what so ever. So then, what does one do when faced with something so much larger than they can even imagine? Pray, eat well and worship. That’s my answer. But what happens when that isn’t working and I feel lower than ever? Pray longer, eat better and worship more. Sure! Sounds like a plan. But what if that still isn’t enough?

I am not sure what it going on, the mystery of God and why this has returned isn’t clear. But together we can take a journey. In this adventure that we call life, we as the body, have each other. So hold on to your seats because I have a feeling God has something much bigger in store and we are just getting started.