
Add to Subtract

In order to reach my goals I frequently evaluate my life to determine what I need to cut out in order to make room for the good stuff (as I typically take the stance that it’s all the bad junk keeping me from my dreams!).  The problem with this tactic is that when we create a void in our lives, it doesn’t stay void for very long, especially if it’s prime real estate—And if you’re a child of God, you are valuable to Him beyond measure!

Matthew 12:43-45 records Jesus telling His disciples this: “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.  Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.  Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”

Isn’t this what we do when we try to eliminate bad habits, junk food, etc. out of our lives?  We cast these things out of ourselves, but unless we immediately fill the void with good, Godly things we are sure to see a return of these undesirable things with a vengeance. 

On a practical level, I have experienced this every time I have tried to “cut out”  junk food. I may have the willpower to refuse to eat all the delicious food in the short term, but a few weeks later I end up eating WAAAY more than I probably would have each day because I have “deprived” myself and therefore, justify to myself that I have to make up for it.  I have created this vacuum of delights that make me crave it all the more. It’s a ridiculous cycle, really.

However, I find myself recently trying to add an ABUNDANCE of good and it’s working for me!  Instead of telling myself no sweets, I have been telling myself no matter what else I eat today, I will ADD 3 servings of vegetables and see where that gets me.  Those are nourishing and filling. What I have found is that when I add something good like this, it ends up pushing out the bad (I ate so many good veggies, I was no longer hungry for dessert!)  I don’t feel deprived, or that I’m missing out! What’s more, is that I know the addition of GOOD will crowd out the BAD and I didn’t even have to work hard to avoid them.

Here are a few things I’m adding to subtract:

  1. Add 30 minutes of worship/praise a day (pushes out secular music that doesn’t benefit me!)
  2. Add 30 minutes of reading ANYTHING (pushes out watching TV/Movies)
  3. Add 64 oz. of water to drink (pushes out soda, juice, and other sugary drinks!)

Where can you add to subtract in your life today?