
Accepted and Known

And because of his words many more became believers.

John 4:41, NIV

Does anyone reading this identify as a perfectionist or recovering perfectionist? I definitely feel like I’m more on the recovering side of things which is a nice place to be. My house no longer has to be in perfect order 100% of the time. My hair is allowed to have bad days without ruining mine. But alas, there are still a few areas God and I are working on.

One in particular is desiring to be understood all the time. And even deeper still, I want to be in agreement with others. I can quickly find myself digging a hole down, down, down when trying to explain myself or my opinion on an issue. “Maybe if I use different words, or MORE words, then I’ll be accepted and known.” There are of course times (many times) I am dead wrong and need to be re-directed. Growth happens and it’s not always comfortable. But God is calling me to live in more contentment in this area for sure. He wants me to find my identity in Him, not in the approval or understanding of others.

When Jesus was in Samaria, His encounter with the woman at the well resulted in MANY MORE believing… but not ALL. Even Jesus was misunderstood by some. He was not accepted and known by everyone. Praise the Lord for comforting me through this scripture. Even with miracles and healings, EVERYONE didn’t believe He was the Son of God.

My contentment cannot be based on others accepting and knowing me. I am conceding to the idea of being perfectly understood and it is bringing me even more freedom and peace in Christ.