
A Heart for Generosity

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV

No matter how much we may hate religion if we take the time to closely evaluate our lives and patterns, we can identify that we have a tendency to unknowingly make things religious. When faced with a challenge, we take baby steps towards our goal until our goal becomes second nature. While good in some respects, the goal now can become a mindless (and heartless) habit, even though it may be beneficial. Learning about generosity and then growing in that regard towards becoming a generous, cheerful giver is what I’d like to hone in on today.

When giving financially to our local church body we tend to focus on the act of obedience instead of the heart of obedience. BUT GOD ALWAYS EVALUATES THE HEART! Your heart is as important as your generosity. We always look at the outside, God always starts with the unseen… the heart. So how are we supposed to know if what we’ve decided in our hearts to give is enough?

The first thing we should do is to seek the Lord! Pray and pour out your heart. Read your bible and look for wisdom. Then decide in your heart what amount you want to give and make a plan to give regularly.

Once you decide the amount, your heart will be aligned. Now it’s time for follow-through.

In the old testament we’re told to give a 10th of our resources but in the new testament, Paul brings this teaching… give what you’ve decided in your hearts to give. Perhaps use a 10th as a starting off point for your generosity to God through the church.

But just like every good practice, giving can become a habit… something we just do because we’re supposed to. Don’t let this become your reality! Give consciously, consistently, generously and cheerfully. Each and every time you give, pause beforehand and be grateful for the ways the Lord has provided. Then give in agreement with your own heart and enjoy that follow-through. You are contributing to the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ being built in your community today and for future generations to come!