
A Divine Invitation

Jesus isn’t rude. He doesn’t force Himself into our lives. He politely waits for an invitation. After Jesus’ resurrection, there were two men walking on a road to Emmaus when another man joined them as they were talking all about the past few days of Jesus’ arrest, death and resurrection. 

But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.
Luke 24:16, NKJV 

Special divine intervention made it so the men would not see that they were walking and talking with Jesus. When they approached the village, which was their final destination, Jesus (still incognito) acted as though He was going to keep on traveling. But the men urged Him to stop and stay with them for the night as it was getting dark. So Jesus accepted their invitation and went with them.

Then something amazing happened… something I can’t explain. They went inside and were preparing to eat at the table. Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to the men. 

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him; and He vanished from their sight.
Luke 24:31, NKJV

I’m not sure why the cloud of confusion was lifted all of a sudden and they were allowed to recognize Him. Was it in response to the bread being broken as His body had recently experienced? Was it in response to their invitation for Him to join them? Perhaps it was both.

Jesus wants to walk and talk with us but He politely waits for an invitation. Do we let Him keep walking? Do we even recognize His presence? Or are we too busy in our tasks to invite Him along?